New products at Froth & Rind

We’ve been working to bring in a few new products recently and have a lot more lined up to bring in soon. We’d like to share a few of them with you here as they are well worth a few moments of your time.

Perello Olives - These olives are amazing. We’ll have three varieties in time and we’re sure you’ll love them all.

Dean’s Extra Mature Cheddar Bites - These small, cheesey biscuits are a great partner for a glass of wine. We really like them with our Burlesque Zinfandel, as the spice from the wine really compliments the tangy cheddar.

Miller’s Toasts - These are so good with cheese. We have the fig and sultana at the moment which work really well with blue cheese and also some of our creamier soft cheeses. Cashel Blue and Winslade immediately spring to mind.

Blackthorn Scottish Sea Salt - This is a little different for us but it’s so, so good and we love the method of production, with sustainability at its heart. Have a read about how Blackthorn produce their sea salt.

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